
Friday, August 21, 2015

Today, while driving to various places, I listened to this

and this,

rather obsessively. It seems to me to be one of the most beautiful songs ever written.

When I've been to Scotland, it always seems that there are more civilized ways of doing things. Such as having smaller teaspoons for tea, and also for the other things that require spoons. I must have some, as it turns out.

I'm still reading those Louisiana crime novels. But soon, I will start reading a French detective novel, and after that, who knows? maybe this. Definitely this. And also this.

Available for pre-order.

Laughed really hard at this, which my son sent me to welcome me back to America.

My daughter predicted that this would be right up my alley, and she was so right. Also: I hadn't quite realized that it was directed by Jonathan Demme, director of some of my favorite movies!

My son finally sat me down and watched one of his favorite movies, which--no surprise--I also really enjoyed.

After reading this--along with the rest of America--I'm in a quandary about where to buy, well, everything.

School starts next week! I will be writing syllabi and getting my course ready and writing a poem for convocation. And putting together my outfits, of course. I hope your Saturday is more snack- and nap-filled than mine promises to be.


  1. So sad I will miss your poem at Convocation next week, HT. I would love to hear you read!

  2. Hey! Preorderable! Yay!
