
Saturday, May 09, 2015

In the rain.

I bought a bowl of lettuce plants for my mother.

I bought two bunches of peonies, one white, one pink, that are now on my kitchen counter.

I drove my son to the airport, and then drove from one valley to another.

Got briefly lost, since my sister's house had apparently shifted in its coordinates.

Drove home. Read a poem on my phone while idling in road-work-that-was-not-actually-happening.

Bought batteries.

Slept for an afternoon hour.

Graded and then we drove to get Thai food.

Graded some more.

Added some notes to a poem that may or may not be forming on the horizon, like a greatening cloud.

I considered whether it was too cold and/or too wet to take the dog for a walk.

We took the dog for a walk.

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