Now, after the circus has come and gone, I would just like to note that:
- all day I was a little dehydrated.
- currently, my hips hurt and the soles of my feet feel dry and consequently a little itchy.
- I am way past tired, so tired that I am fretting about whether people respect me. (p.s., when I am worrying about that, I should always just go take a big fat nap, or, you know, go to bed for the night. Because the next day when I wake up it's easy to see how ridiculous that whole respect thing was.) (...unless people really DON'T respect me--what then? what nap will cure THAT?)
Tomorrow is Friday, and it is a full day, but not a day in which I am in charge of very many things, nor a day when I anticipate being dehydrated or tired past the point of reason. And after Friday? Saturday, the people.
Now, I intend to
- put on my nightgown
- brush my teeth
- do the crossword and possibly also, and simultaneously,
- watch episodes of some sitcom or other
- fall asleep.
I know, that's not much of an agenda. I like to think of it more as medicine for an ague that I hope will have passed by morning.
Big day OUT.
Good job, you, big day and all. Friday, yes Friday, so much better than the other days, even with meetings.