
Saturday, February 07, 2015


Tonight, we were at a birthday party, Mardi Gras-themed. It was so much fun. We had a King Cake, which is basically like a danish dough, iced and sprinkled with purple, green, and yellow sugar. It's traditional to eat it before Lent.


It's also traditional to put a tiny little baby Jesus figure somewhere inside the cake (after it's baked and before it's decorated, I think? but I could be wrong about that). If you get the piece of cake with the baby, you have certain "privileges and obligations." You might be the person who has to bring the cake to the next party. And also, you might be the Queen of the party.

The people, I got the baby.

A video posted by Lisa Bickmore (@megastore) on

I am enormously pleased, I must say.


  1. I may have to throw a Mardi Gras Party...

  2. It was only a matter of time before someone would acknowledge you deserve to be queen!

  3. That baby is kind of fetusy. Tomato, tomahto, I guess.
