
Thursday, July 29, 2010

A handful of decisions.

1. Some of my shorter skirts may be a bit too short. Alas. *
2. Purple faux suede shoes? Brown brogue-ish heels? Endless pairs of slightly uncomfortable ballet flats? Gone.**
3. I am willing to pay money for someone to make my window wells less dungeon-y.***
4. New dishwasher? New swamp cooler? Completely worth the money.
5. When you're feeling a little bit bereaved, it is completely okay to do whatever you want, as long as it's summer and you're pretty much letting no one down.****

*I can feel myself talking myself back into those skirts. As we speak. Maybe with tights, for instance.
**Although, since they are still stacked in my hall (as opposed to in and around my closet), maybe I'm speaking too soon?
***Calling all sons? or their friends? Cash money!
****i.e., wandering the aisles of stores and buying nothing; watching the end of Season 5 of Lost, then launching directly into Season 6; taking a nap; eating crackers and drinking iced tea.


  1. Go for the window well terrarium. It is rather easy.

  2. Yes to the tights. By all means.

    Glad to see you're doing up summer the way it should be done.

  3. Oh honey. Store aisles and no purchases? You've definitely got it bad.

    And about those short skirts--how short are we talking? Because I bought several skirts that are in the 17-18" length range and have been taking a bit o'crap from myself about them. So I bought leggings and tights and I'm waiting as patiently as I can for the arrival of fall, which of course, is a new semester, but at least there's the possibility of a chill in the air.

  4. How much money we talkin here? We talkin cleaning out the window wells. Or cleaning the windows.

  5. Footnotes! And when it's not summer, what is proper then when slightly bereaved?
