
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To whom it may concern:

I have just started three different blog posts, and all of them were whiny--not that I have anything against whining, and in fact, I consider myself to be something of a whine stylist, but the whining in these posts was so abject, so pathetic, it smelled bad--nay, it stank--even to myself, aficionado of the whine, the Maven of Moan, Doyenne of the Doldrums, Ace of Waaa, Guru of the Gripe, Crackerjack of Complaint, Proficient of Plaint: I'm saying that once not so long ago, there was some serious writing going on around here, but not anymore, because all I got is grievance grouse trouble and whinge, and if you want something different, I'm sorry to say, you'd better go ahead and find yourself another blog.


  1. I'm sure you have good cause to whine. It's August, for heaven's sake. But if it helps, maybe you could consider whining as serving a noble purpose, something that is, through your voice, by the people and for the people. Because the people, I'm telling you, might need a whine. You'd be doing us a service. Yes, you would.

  2. I think this should be one of the poems in a collection of poems you write about blogging or whining or both. You certainly have a way with words.

  3. I agree, there should be a whine poem. An ode, perhaps?

  4. AS long as your whining is alliterative, I'm happy.

  5. I want more whine!

  6. Maybe some Cheese with your whine???

    *sigh* how I love reading your blog lol

  7. Love the new blog header. Makes me wish I was at the cabin.

  8. Here's one for you... somebody better call the "waaaahmbulance"! Athankyouverymuch. I'll be here all week. (Joke courtesy of John Stewart, bless him.)

  9. Oh, I missed reading you while I was away! You make a whine as fun to listen to as it is to do!
