
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You say it's your birthday.

Fact:  every birthday of every one of my children occurs in December or January.  
Fact:  my mother's birthday is in January.
Fact:  the historian's birthday is . . . in January.
Fact:  my son-in-law's birthday is also in January.
Fact:  my son the soccer coach, who joined our family kind of midstream--his birthday is in February.

There was a time in my life when I didn't go for more than a few days without baking a cake. Today I bought a bunch of birthday candles, just in case.  One time, I asked my doctor about what might explain so many births clustered so tightly.  "I guess you all liked to have sex in April," she said.  Oh: that.

Anyway:  happy birthdays to running son (20), college daughter (22), my daughter the makeup artist (26), and singing son (28), whose birthdays have already taken place.  Happy birthday to my mom (ageless!), whose birthday is right around the corner.  Happy birthday to my daughter in Scotland, who will be 30 very soon.  Each of them is so splendid a person, there should be fireworks, parades, confetti, and all sorts of delights to round out the celebration. (Also, the fact that I will soon have a thirty-year old daughter--I'm not quite sure what this signifies, but I fear it may mean I am old.)  

I have baked nary a birthday cake this year.  Everyone's grown up, plans are more malleable, people live out of town, etc.  And I'm sure I don't technically need birthday cake, but it does seem kind of a shame.  The historian's birthday, upcoming, may call for an extravagant cake.  I do have the candles.  


  1. I LOVE extravagant cake. It's really the only kind of cake to have.

  2. Wait... I'm turning 30? No way...

  3. Happy b-day to all your loved ones. Happy b-day also to my husband and dos of my hijos.

  4. happy birthday to me!
    i might make a cake today for the hell of it.
    why not??
    and happy early bday to the january bday's that have yet to happen! :D

  5. What makes April so special? Hmmm?

  6. I didn't realize I'm the same age as Singing Son.. although I'll be 29 in June. *gulp*

    I love birthdays!! Fun months for you!!! Birthdays deserve lots of these: !!!!!! :o)

  7. Do not forget smart ass son in law on the 30th!
