
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Michael Phelps vs. me: an eat-off.

Because I have to fuel myself to, y'know, get through my day, here's what I ate today:

Upon arising:
  1. a little orange juice to drown my Claritin
Breakfast with makeup artist daughter and grandson:
  1. an omelet with spinach and mushrooms
  2. the hashbrowns God eats when he has breakfast
  3. sourdough toast
[big gap for a little shopping with same personnel; then, lunch:]
  1. potato chips
  2. lemonade
[big gap for allergy-fueled nap; then:]
  1. leftover piece of cherry tart
  1. leftover tabbouleh
  2. leftover cucumber salad
  3. leftover crostini with tomato topping
  4. watermelon
Barely any evening noshing.

I know, you're asking: Where are the proprietary energy drinks? Why so little mayonnaise?

On the other hand, having leftovers from your previous evening's book group makes dinner preparation a snap. In fact, the only major calorie burning activities today? Shopping and cutting up that watermelon.


  1. I'll pick your menu over Phelps'
    PS Nothing is tastier than leftovers.

  2. "Why so little mayonnaise?" would have been a great slogan for Dark Knight.

  3. I prefer your diet, though I wouldn't refuse some pancakes with chocolate chips.
    And I def. would like to include a nap in my life.

  4. Couple hours shopping vs five hours swim training - gotta be about the same calorie burning value there surely????

  5. Why did I have to read that? Now I'm off to get something to eat at 10 p.m. I hate being pregnant.
