
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My sincere apologies to all herbivores.

It's possible that you, my dear reader, have already viewed this hilarious clip about bacon. But I think it's also possible that many of you have not. I found it on dooce (essential reading, by the way), but it was my Scotland daughter who kept nagging me to watch it. I thought I felt too low to laugh. She was right, I was wrong. I laughed, and so will you.


  1. You must, must, must watch the Hot Pocket one. That guy is hilarious. And if you don't laugh at him, you are probably dead.
    Thanks. And btw, I just gave up bacon, but it still made me laugh. A lot.
    I'm going to go wrap myself in bacon.

  2. Bibbity bobbity bacon!

  3. I watched it. And so here is the link my daughter in law sent me on: what breed of dog are you? I'm a Scottish terrier, as it turns out.
