
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Seven terrible habits (of highly disreputable people).

1. Occasionally shopping on the way to work.
2. Eating more than the official serving size of potato chips at a time. Often way more.
3. Watching previously viewed (like a million times previously viewed) episodes of Frasier because they're on at the "get ready to fall asleep" time.
4. Excessive browsing of unnecessary material goods online.
5. Constantly derailing important business discussions with movie talk.
6. Constantly cracking wise, thus derailing important business discussions.
7. Doing every possible thing at the latest possible minute.


  1. Yeah! Potato chips and movie talk, two of my favorite things! I wish I could shop on the way to work. That would be so much more efficient!

  2. Substitue bowls of cereal for chips, and Scrubs for Frasier and you got me.

  3. How about "remodeling in head a house in which one does not live"?
