
Sunday, June 25, 2006

The U.S. Wins the World Cup!

. . . on my son's GameBoy FIFA 2006! They totally skunked Italy.

In other news, we planted strawberries and sundry herbs, mulched the whole garden box apparatus, bought and implemented a new soaker hose (also Stadium Arcadium, in the miscellaneous purchase category), and saw no new movies. Does it strike anyone that this summer's theaters are even more of a wasteland than usual?

I'm also recovering from my first Writers @ Work service. It was fun, it was real fun, and now it's over, and I'm glad. The best thing was that nearly every registrant I spoke with had a good time at the conference. The next best thing was hanging out and getting to know people better. I had a useful manuscript conference with Janet Holmes of Ahsahta Press, and that was good. There were parties and receptions and readings--I attended more readings last week than I had in the last two years, easy. And now, the best thing is that it's over for the year, and the rest of the summer stretches forth before me without too many specific demands, other than to keep the cupboards stocked with NoodleRoni and PopTarts (for the kids!).


  1. I'm glad you like the W@W conference. Fun to see you and the historian after the Almond reading. Dr. Write and I haven't seen a movie in over a month.

  2. The good thing about me is that I never (rarely) went to movies so now that I have a kid, I don't miss them.
    The best thing about W@W? Hanging out with Lisa B and Middlebrow by the wine table.
