
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Go to sleep beat, wake up still beat (beater?).

Just taking my pulse this a.m. I have already been to the Driver License division for a points judgement (not mine, my daughter's--see earlier car accident post). She is on probation, which means that she has one year from the accident in which she must have no moving violation. Why does this make me feel jumpy?

The computer at home--since I'm operating away from home at the moment, perhaps the computer will not hear me when I say it is a sorry git of an information technology delivery device--is frozen. None of our home remedies--ctrl/alt/del, cursing, pushing the on-off button for longer and more vigorous periods of time--work. Sledgehammer, anyone?

I'm about to see Star Wars, which I haven't yet seen because my kids went with other, cooler people, and my husband, with eminent good taste and good sense, doesn't really care to see it. So said accident-prone, darling daughter will be my companion.

Hope your day feels a little less errand-y, frustrate-y, doldrum-y. Hope I feel some Aristotelian satisfaction in watching Anakin turn into pure evil.

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